Alex Kirichek

Dr. Alex Kirichek

Assistant Professor

Section of Rivers and Ports 

Department of Hydraulic Engineering 

Faculty of Civil Engineering & Geosciences                         

Delft University of Technology (TU Delft)

I am an Assistant Professor at Delft University of Technology. My research is focused on developing innovative sustainable solutions for port accessibility, sediment management, navigation and infrastructure. Particularly, I am conducting my research helping implementing digitalization into modern port infrastructure, logistics, navigation and daily operations. 



2021-up to now Assistant Professor | Department of Hydraulic Engineering | Faculty of Civil Engineering & Geosciences | TU  Delft

2018-2021 Researcher/Advisor | Department of Ecosystems and Sediment Dynamics | Unit of Marine and Coastal Systems | Deltares | the Netherlands

2015-2018 Postdoctoral Researcher | Department of Hydraulic Engineering | Faculty of Civil  Engineering & Geosciences | TU  Delft | the Netherlands

2015-2018 Researcher and Advisor | Department of Asset Management | Dredging | Port of Rotterdam | the Netherlands

2011-2015 PhD candidate | Department of Geosciences and Engineering | Faculty of Civil Engineering & Geosciences | TU  Delft

MSc in Civil Engineering (cum laude)


2024 - ongoing | Port AI - Big data analytics and AI in port performance optimization 

Ports serve as critical nodes in the global logistics network, acting as key facilitators of international trade and commerce. They play an important role in connecting nations, enabling the smooth flow of imports and exports, and contributing significantly to economic development. Efficient port operations not only reduce transportation costs but also enhance supply chain reliability, fostering economic growth and prosperity. The infrastructure of ports, including breakwaters, access channels, turning circles, harbor basins, terminals, quay walls, equipment, and physical environmental aspects like bed levels, water levels, currents, waves, and wind, profoundly influence the way ports operate. Recognizing the interplay between infrastructure, the physical environment, and efficiency is crucial for optimizing port performance.

The research is focused on the infrastructure state, assessing the strategic aspects of port infrastructure with a primary focus on port accessibility and dredging strategies. This entails a nuanced examination of how maintaining different bed levels can impact port performance, optimize dredging costs, integrate with tidal windows, and adhere to priority rules to achieve a desired service level.

PI: Alex Kirichek (Hydraulic Engineering) and Mark van Koningsveld (Hydraulic Engineering)

2024 - ongoing | Dredging with Nature for better Port Accessibility

Port authorities seek tailor-made solutions to reduce costs, emissions and at the same time guarantee safe navigation in ports and waterways. Over the last decades, a number of strategies for port maintenance have been tested by ports and governmental authorities. Typical strategies for dredged sediment management are either based on reallocating the dredged sediment to sea or on fluidizing and keeping sediment in the water system by means of new Dredging with Nature concepts (e.g., Tiamat and WID). In this context, additional knowledge regarding sediment behaviour in view of the implementation of new maintenance strategies is required. The developed knowledge will be used to enhance port accessibility in ports by adapting the nautical bottom concept and optimize the chosen maintenance dredging strategy in ports.

PI: Alex Kirichek (Hydraulic Engineering) 

2023 - ongoing | PATH2ZERO: PAving THe way towards Zero-Emission and RObust inland shipping

PATH2ZERO aims to contribute to the transition to zero-emission inland shipping in cooperation with the inland shipping sector. The consortium of researchers, companies and social organisations will start developing sustainable business models and action perspectives. Partners in the inland navigation chain, such as skippers and shippers, can make use of this.

The research programme should provide insight into what the transition to zero-emission requires from the various partners in the inland shipping chain, such as skippers, shippers and funding institutions. By developing a virtual representation of the inland shipping system, that can be used for assessing the efficiency of zero emission strategies. This digital twin will represent the real system with all relevant components and  will focus on three main aspects: the individual vessels, the logistic chains and the infrastructure. Potential interventions will be considered ranging from the application of new technologies for individual vessels to policy measures for an entire shipping corridor. Future scenarios can be imposed on the digital twin and their efficiency can be evaluated for the right path towards zero emission shipping.

PI: Alex Kirichek (Hydraulic Engineering) 

2022 - ongoing | Sustainable, smart and circular strategies for port accessibility

Operating within a clear overall vision is important, to make sure that the combination of individual measures still makes sense for the port as a whole. While optimizing one feature other features may inadvertently be affected. Optimizing on dredging costs, might actually result in greater terminal downtime. Creating over-depth to increase the interval between dredging campaigns, might result in high sedimentation rates. Implementing ‘sailing through fluid mud’ strategies will reduce the dredging related energy footprint, but might increase the vessel maneuvering related energy footprint, etc.


The main objective of this research is to develop a general methodology for evaluating the trade-offs of port accessibility and maintenance in order to facilitate the associated decision-making processes in ports worldwide. To promote worldwide applicability this project will link port logistic concepts (using general applicable agent based models), on the one hand, with maintenance logistic strategies that are rooted in scientific knowledge of hydro- and sediment dynamics, on the other hand. By linking these two in an integral decision framework port managers should be able to make better informed decisions on port maintenance, balancing aspects like capacity and efficiency, as well as sustainability, and safety.

PIs: Alex Kirichek (Hydraulic Engineering) and Mark van Koningsveld (Hydraulic Engineering)

2022 - ongoing | Equilibrium-based maintenance  dredging 

The objective of this research is to develop strategies for equilibrium-based maintenance dredging in the Port of Emden, Germany. Field and laboratory studies will be conducted aiming at keeping the sediment properties below the nautical criteria for nautical bottom applications. In-situ analysis of key sediment characteristics (density, rheological properties, bathymetry, turbidity, organic matter reactivity, oxygen saturation, etc.) will be conducted in order to optimize the maintenance efficiency and to relate the effect of the maintenance to the short-term and long-term changes in the system. 

This research will develop knowledge for designing circular strategies in ports. Furthermore it will collect evidence to what extent current strategies comply with circularity principles. The developed framework will be serving as a decision making tool facilitating the analysis of the sediment maintenance strategy and required maintenance depth. 

PIs: Alex Kirichek (Hydraulic Engineering) and Julia Gebert (Geoscience & Engineering)


2018 - 2023 | Towards an implementation of nautical bottom in the Port of Hamburg: rheological analysis of mud

The nautical bottom (the level at which contact with a ship's keel causes either damage or unacceptable effects on controllability and maneuverability of a ship) should be associated to a measurable physical characteristic. Bulk density is typically used as a criterion for nautical bottom by many ports worldwide. However, the rheological properties particularly the yield stress of mud are more suitable parameters for defining a criterion for nautical bottom due to their strong correlation with the flow properties of mud and navigability. The density-yield stress correlation depends significantly on different parameters of mud such as organic matter type and content, clay type and content, particle size distribution and salinity. Therefore, a single critical value of density cannot be chosen for the nautical bottom criterion in a port like Port of Hamburg, where the above mentioned parameters are varying from one location to another in the port. The results of this project will develop a new knowledge of measuring rheological properties nautical bottom applications.

PIs: Alex Kirichek (Hydraulic Engineering) and Claire Chassagne (Hydraulic Engineering)

Key papers:

Shakeel A., Zander F., Gebert J., Chassagne  C. and Kirichek A. (2022). Influence of anaerobic degradation of organic matter on the rheological properties of cohesive mud from different European ports, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 10(3): 446

Zander F., Shakeel A., Kirichek A., Chassagne  C. and Gebert J. (2022). Effects of organic matter degradation in cohesive sediment: Linking sediment rheology to spatio-temporal patterns of organic matter degradability, Journal of Soils and Sediments 

Shakeel A., Zander F., de Klerk J.-W., Kirichek A., Gebert J. and Chassagne  C. (2022). Effect of organic matter degradation in cohesive sediment: A detailed rheological analysis, Journal of Soils and Sediments 

Shakeel A., Kirichek A., Talmon A. and Chassagne C. (2021). Rheological analysis and modelling of mud sediments: what is the best protocol for maintenance of ports and waterways? Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 257:107407

Shakeel A., Kirichek A. and Chassagne C. (2021), Rheology of Mud: An Overview for Ports and Waterways Applications  in Sediment Transport - Recent Advances, edited by A.J. Manning, ISBN 978-1-83881-119-8

Shakeel A., MacIver M.R., van Kan P.J.M.,  Kirichek A. and Chassagne  C. (2021). A rheological and microstructural study of two-step yielding in mud samples from a port area. Colloids and Surfaces A Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 624:126827

Shakeel A., Kirichek A. and Chassagne C. (2020). Rheological analysis of natural and diluted mud suspensions, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 286: 104434

Shakeel A., Kirichek A. and Chassagne C. (2020). Yield stress measurements of mud sediments using different rheological methods and geometries: An evidence of two-step yielding, Marine Geology, 427

Shakeel A., Kirichek A. and Chassagne C. (2020). Effect of pre-shearing on the steady and dynamic rheological properties of mud sediments, Marine and Petroleum Geology 116: 104338

Kirichek A., Shakeel A. and Chassagne C. (2020). Using in-situ density and strength measurements for sediment maintenance in ports and waterways,  Journal of Soils and Sediments 20: 2546–2552

Shakeel A., Kirichek A. and Chassagne C. (2019). Rheological analysis of mud from Port of Hamburg, Germany, Journal of Soils and Sediments 20: 2553–2562

Shakeel A., Kirichek A. and Chassagne C. (2019). Is density enough to predict the rheology of natural sediments? Geo-Marine Letters 39: 427–434 

2018 - 2023 | PRISMA: Sustainable and CO2-neutral port maintenance of the Port of Rotterdam

2018 - 2023 | Continues bathymetry monitoring using fibre-optical cable 

Port and waterways are  regularly surveyed for determining the water depth in order to secure safe navigation. Current non-intrusive surveying methods are limited in time due to their dependency on the availability of surveying vessels posing problems after storm- or dredging-related bathymetrical alterations. A permanent continuous monitoring system that can be operated remotely could be of special interest at busy berth locations.  If one could monitor the depth at these locations on demand, the availability of these docks would increase.

Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) could be used to monitor the bathymetrical changes using the propeller noise as a sources for subsurface imaging. This would allow one to measure the bathymetry on demand without the need to go to the measuring location. A low-cost fibre-optical cable,  that can be installed in at the berth location, is used as a seismic sensor. This sensor has many advantages over conventional sensors ,e.g.  being non-corosive and non-conductive, making it well-suited with regard to safety and durability for long-term bathymetry monitoring.

PIs: Deyan Draganov (Geoscience & Engineering) and Alex Kirichek (Hydraulic Engineering)

Key papers

Buisman M., Martuganova E., Kiers T., Draganov D. and Kirichek A. (2022). Continuous monitoring of the depth of the water-mud interface using Distributed Acoustic Sensing, Journal of Soils and Sediments

2017 - 2023 | Sail FM: Sailing through fluid mud

The nautical bottom depends strongly on the rheological properties, which depend on the shear stress history. For this reason the related rheological properties should be monitored in-situ. It is anticipated that it will be possible using non-intrusive geophysical monitoring methods, based on acoustic, shear velocities and attenuations measurements. These methods will be developed in Sail FM. The results will subsequently be used to improve a well-established computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code, ReFRESCO, to account for the dynamic properties of the fluid mud on the ships’ maneuverability in different silted channels. Both the CFD code and the monitoring method will be validated with laboratory experiments. The outcome of the study will help to predict the nautical bottom leading to improved safety regulations and an optimal maintenance strategy. 

PIs: Alex Kirichek (Hydraulic Engineering) and Geert Keetels (Maritime and Transport Technology)

Key papers:

Lovato S., Kirichek A., Toxopeus S., Settels J. and Keetels G. (2022). Validation of the resistance of a plate moving through mud: CFD modelling and towing tank experiments, Ocean Engineering, 258, 111632

Ma X., Kirichek A., Shakeel A.,  Heller K. and Draganov D. (2021). Laboratory seismic measurements for layer-specific description of fluid mud and for linking seismic velocities to rheological properties. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 149(6):3862

Ma X., Kirichek A., Heller K. and Draganov D. (2022). Estimating P- and S-wave velocities in fluid mud using seismic interferometry, Frontiers in Earth Science


PhD students 

2024 - ongoing | Big data analytics and AI in port performance optimization - Infrastructure State | Yihang Zheng

2024 - ongoing | Dredging with Nature for better Port Accessibility | Cornelius Ravikumar 

2024 - ongoing | Digital Twin: Evaluating Emission Reduction Strategies for Inland Shipping  | Dhiraj Kumar

2023 - ongoing | Integration and matching of viable zero-emission logistics and energy systems | Jayvee Ramos

2023 - ongoing | Evaluating appropriate designs for supporting bunkering infrastructure | Maryam Pourbeirami Hir

2022 - ongoing | Equilibrium-Based Dredging Strategies in Ports | Fatemeh Chamanmotlagh

2022 - ongoing |  Smart and Circular Port Maintenance Strategies | Arash Sapehri

2021 - 2025 | Interactions between the waterborne transport system and hydrodynamics (PhD thesis) | Floor Bakker

2020 - 2024 | Flocculation and deep-sea mining plumes  (PhD thesis) | Dr. Waqas Ali

2019 - 2024 |  Navigating the depths: pioneering water depth measurements through distributed acoustic sensing  (PhD thesis) | Menno Buisman

2018 - 2022 | Rheological Analysis of Mud: Towards an Implementation of the Nautical Bottom Concept in the Port of Hamburg (PhD thesis) |  Dr. Ahmad Shakeel

Postdoctoral researchers

2022 - 2023 | Studying conditioning of fluid mud for enhancing port accessibility | Dr. Fiorenza Deon

2022 - 2023 | Ship behavior and maneuverability scenarios for sailing through fluid mud  | Dr. Stefano Lovato

2021 - 2021 | Emden FM: Microbiological analysis of Fluid Mud | Dr. Z. Safar

2019 - 2021 | Sail FM: Monitoring of fluid mud for navigational purposes | Dr. Xu Ma

2017 - 2018 | Sailing through mud: Monitoring of fluid mud | Dr. Islam Fadel

PDEng students 

2021 - 2022 | Design of a gel product for sedimentation control in the Rotterdam port area | A. Bampatzeliou 

2019 - 2020 | Design of the bio-remediation method for oil-sand tailings | G. Wyszynska

MSc students

2024 | GHG emissions from the WID maintenance dredging  | P. Prins

2024 | Machine learning for port maintenance in the Port of Rotterdam | D.  van Wijngaarden

2024 | A Nautical Traffic Model for the Haven Ports | T. Braaksma

2024 | Multi-objective optimization for the design of electrified IWT network  | S. Blanc

2024 | Analyzing the application of the bed leveller for conditioning of mud | D. van Venrooij

2023 | The influence of coarse content on the erosion of clay lumps during dredge pipe transport | M. van Beek

2023 | Cohesive Sediment Erosion Induced By Coandă-Effect-Based Polymetallic Nodule Collector | M. Suleman

2023 | Mud Dynamics in Settling Basins | M. Boer

2023 | Analyzing the boundary conditions of the innovative technique of agitation dredging, the Tiamat | S. Neumann

2022 | Feasibility Study of Implementing a Central Suction-WID System in a Tide-Dominated Channel | S. Kurniawan

2022 | On the Effects of Fine Sediments in Mud Disposal Basins | N. van der Ent 

2022 | The jetty of the future: Reducing the environmental impact of a jetty platform structure by designing for reusability  | J. Kavelaars

2022 | Laboratory study on the efficiency of water injection dredging  | S. Ma

2021 | Horizontal negatively buoyant jets in deep sea mining: The influence of initial concentration of discharged slurries on the spatial spread of turbidity currents | Y.  Wijmans 

2021 | Sailing through the fluid mud: rheological and plate’s hydrodynamic resistance in fluid mud measurements for the nautical bottom applications | P. Goda

2021 | Modelling of high concentration fluid mud water injection dredging density currents | E. ten Brummelhuis

2021 | Monitoring fluid-mud layers at ports and waterways: ultrasonic measurements for shear parameters using Fiber Optics  | D. Denzler 

2020 | Suspended sediment behaviour of a reallocation pilot study in the port of Rotterdam: Gaining insight into the sediment dynamics of a reallocation pilot study, by using model hindcasts and measurements | D. Deckers

2020 | The hydrodynamics of an eco-innovative sediment reuse project in the Rotterdam Waterway: Gaining insight into the physics and the predictive capability of two operational hydrodynamic models  | M. Geraeds

2019 | Seismic analysis of fluid mud: Detection of shear parameters in fluid mud and the relation between seismic velocities and yield stresses  | M. Buisman

2019 | Sediment traps: for reducing maintenance dredging costs in the port of Rotterdam  | A. Tempel

2018 | Suspended Sediment Modelling in the Port of Rotterdam  | S. de Groot

2017 | Using reflected seismic waves to estimate rheological properties of the fluid mud layer for port applications | G. Woofenden

2016 | Slibvaren: Adjustment of the harbour admittance policy by reduction of the minimal required under keel clearance (UKC) | G. Roukens

BSc students

2024 | Seasonal impact on Carbon Generation in Emden's Port: examining temperature-driven Methane and Carbon Dioxide formation in Fluid Mud| N. Appels 

2023 | Key Performance Indicators of maritime operations in port environments | P. Vos 

2023 | Understanding the effect of Natural Flocculation on the spread of the Deep-Sea mining plumes| W. Waasdorp 

2023 | Effect of Natural Flocculation on the Spread of Deep-Sea Mining Plume:  A research into the effect of concentration, mixing time, consolidation time and shear cycle on the floc size | L. Korteweg 

2023 | Erosion of Dredging Equipment: A study into the impact of mixture velocity on the erosion of dredging equipment for developing strategies to minimize the wear and to maximize the lifespan of the equipment | S. Ledeboer

2023 | Beneficial re-use of dredged sediments in seaports: Implementation in the Port of Rotterdam | A. Raja

2023 | Water Injection Dredging for Nautical bottom applications  | J. Koot

2022 | Maintenance of the Slijkgat fairway  | L. la Poutre 

2022 | Effect of natural flocculation on the spread of deep-sea mining plume | C. los Santos 

2022 | Impact of sediment disposal by a pipeline in the Nieuwe Waterweg | S. van der Burg 

2022 | Equipment and strategies for quantifying the production of Water Injection Dredging in the Port of Rotterdam  | R. Lip

2022 | How can the scouring and sedimentation induced by propeller actions at the Amazonehaven berth can be quantified? | C. Smeenk

2022 | Investigation of the current situation of dumped chemical ammunition on the seabed and in wrecks | D. van Wijngaarden

2022 | The dewatering and reinforcement potential of vegetation on soft sediments | S. van der Geer

2021 | Studying the effect of vegetation on settling and consolidation of sediment | J. van der Wijk

2021 | Effects of propellers on the sedimentation at berth | M. Keet


Papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals (open access)

[P33] Ali W., Kirichek A., Manning A. and Chassagne C. (2024). Comparative Analysis of Floc Measurement Setups for Characterizing Settling Velocities and Size Distributions (submitted) 

[P32] Sepehri A., Kirichek A., van den Heuvel M. and van Koningsveld M. (2024). Smart, sustainable, and circular port maintenance: A comprehensive framework and multi-stakeholder approach, Journal of Environmental Management, 370, 122625, 

[P31] Chamanmotlagh F., Kirichek A. and Gebert J. (2024). Recirculation Effects on Density, Strength, Settling and Oxygen Saturation of Fluid Mud, Journal of Soils and Sediments,  

[P30] Neumann S., Kirichek A. and van Hassent A. (2024). Agitation dredging of silt and fine sand with Water Injection Dredging, Tiamat and Underwater Plough: a case study in the Port of Rotterdam, Journal of Soils and Sediments, 

[P29] Ali W., Kirichek A. and Chassagne C. (2024). Flocculation of deep-sea clay from Clarion Clipperton fracture zone,  Applied Ocean Research, Volume 150, 104099,  

[P28] Bakker F.,  van der Werff S., Baart F., Kirichek A., de Jong S. and van Koningsveld M. (2024).  Port accessibility depends on cascading interactions between fleets, policies, infrastructure and hydrodynamics,  J. Mar. Sci. Eng 12(6), 1006, doi:10.20944/preprints202405.1124.v1 

[P27] Sepehri A., Kirichek A.,, van der Werff S., Baart F., van den Heuvel M. and van Koningsveld M. (2024).  Analyzing the interaction between maintenance dredging and seagoing vessels: A case study of the Port of Rotterdam, Journal of Soils and Sediments,

[P26] Alhaddad S., Suleman M., Kirichek A. and Chassagne C. (2024). Experimental Investigation of Cohesive Soil Erosion and Suspension Caused by a Coandă-Effect-Based Polymetallic-Nodule Collector, Results in Engineering, 102231, 

[P25] Ali W., Kirichek A. and Chassagne C. (2024). Collective effects on the settling of clay flocs, Applied Clay Science, 254, 107399, 

[P24] Buisman M., Draganov D. and Kirichek A. (2024). Near real-time nautical depth mapping via horizontal optical fibers and distributed acoustic sensing,  Journal of Applied Geophysics, 105377, 

[P23] Lovato S., Kirichek A., Toxopeus S., Settels J. and Keetels G. (2024).  CFD analysis of the full-scale resistance of an oil tanker in the presence of a mud–water interface, Ocean Engineering, 294, 116700, 

[P22] Guo Z., Qiu J., Kirichek A., Zhang Q., Qu Z. and Liu C. (2024). Recycling waste tyre polymer for production of fibre reinforced cemented tailings backfill in green mining, Science of the Total Environment,  908, 168320,

[P21] Shakeel A., Chassagne  C., Bornholdt J., Ohle N. and Kirichek A. (2022). From fundamentals to implementation of yield stress for nautical bottom: Case study of the Port of Hamburg, Ocean Engineering, 266, 112772,

[P20] Ali W., Enthoven D., Kirichek A., Chassagne C. and Helmons R. (2022). Effect of flocculation on turbidity currents, Frontiers in Earth Science, Section Marine Geoscience, 

[P19] Shakeel A., Ali W., Chassagne  C. and Kirichek A. (2022). Tuning the rheological properties of kaolin suspensions using biopolymers, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 654, 

[P18] Lovato S., Kirichek A., Toxopeus S., Settels J. and Keetels G. (2022). Validation of the resistance of a plate moving through mud: CFD modelling and towing tank experiments, Ocean Engineering, 258, 111632, 

[P17Buisman M., Martuganova E., Kiers T., Draganov D. and Kirichek A. (2022). Continuous monitoring of the depth of the water-mud interface using Distributed Acoustic Sensing, Journal of Soils and Sediments, 22,  2893–2899,

[P16] Shakeel A., Zander F., Gebert J., Chassagne  C. and Kirichek A. (2022). Influence of anaerobic degradation of organic matter on the rheological properties of cohesive mud from different European ports, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 10(3): 446, 

[P15]  Ma X., Kirichek A., Heller K. and Draganov D. (2022). Estimating P- and S-wave velocities in fluid mud using seismic interferometry, Frontiers in Earth Science, 10:806721,  10.3389/feart.2022.806721

[P14] Zander F., Shakeel A., Kirichek A., Chassagne  C. and Gebert J. (2022). Effects of organic matter degradation in cohesive sediment: Linking sediment rheology to spatio-temporal patterns of organic matter degradability, Journal of Soils and Sediments, 10.1007/s11368-022-03155-6

[P13] Shakeel A., Zander F., de Klerk J.-W., Kirichek A., Gebert J. and Chassagne  C. (2022). Effect of organic matter degradation in cohesive sediment: A detailed rheological analysis, Journal of Soils and Sediments, 10.1007/s11368-022-03156-5

[P12] Shakeel A., Kirichek A. and Chassagne  C. (2021). Rheology and yielding transitions in mixed kaolinite/bentonite suspensions. Applied Clay Science 211:106206, 10.1016/j.clay.2021.106206

[P11] Shakeel A., MacIver M.R., van Kan P.J.M.,  Kirichek A. and Chassagne  C. (2021). A rheological and microstructural study of two-step yielding in mud samples from a port area. Colloids and Surfaces A Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 624:126827, 10.1016/j.colsurfa.2021.126827

 [P10] Ma X., Kirichek A., Shakeel A.,  Heller K. and Draganov D. (2021). Laboratory seismic measurements for layer-specific description of fluid mud and for linking seismic velocities to rheological properties. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 149(6):3862, 10.1121/10.0005039

[P9] Shakeel A., Kirichek A., Talmon A. and Chassagne C. (2021). Rheological analysis and modelling of mud sediments: what is the best protocol for maintenance of ports and waterways? Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 257:107407, 10.1016/j.ecss.2021.107407

[P8] Shakeel A., Kirichek A. and Chassagne C. (2020). Rheological analysis of natural and diluted mud suspensions, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 286: 104434, 10.1016/j.jnnfm.2020.104434

[P7] Shakeel A., Kirichek A. and Chassagne C. (2020). Yield stress measurements of mud sediments using different rheological methods and geometries: An evidence of two-step yielding, Marine Geology, 427,

[P6] Shakeel A., Kirichek A. and Chassagne C. (2020). Effect of pre-shearing on the steady and dynamic rheological properties of mud sediments, Marine and Petroleum Geology 116: 104338, 

[P5] Kirichek A., Shakeel A. and Chassagne C. (2020). Using in-situ density and strength measurements for sediment maintenance in ports and waterways, Journal of Soils and Sediments 20: 2546–2552,

[P4] Shakeel A., Kirichek A. and Chassagne C. (2019). Rheological analysis of mud from Port of Hamburg, Germany, Journal of Soils and Sediments 20: 2553–2562,

[P3] Shakeel A., Kirichek A. and Chassagne C. (2019). Is density enough to predict the rheology of natural sediments? Geo-Marine Letters,

[P2] Kirichek A, Chassagne C. and Ghose R. (2019). Predicting the Dielectric Response of Saturated Sandstones Using a 2-electrode Measuring System, Frontiers in Physics, 148, (8),

[P1] Kirichek A., Chassagne C. and Ghose R. (2017). Dielectric spectroscopy of granular material in an electrolyte solution of any ionic strength, Coll. and Surf. A: Phys. and Eng. Asp. 533


Professional publications

[T5] de Lucas Pardo M., Kirichek A., van Rees F. and Kox M. (2020). Bio-Technologies for sustainable fine sediments management: a nature-based innovative and technologically sound approach, Terra et Aqua,  161

[T4] Kirichek A. and Rutgers R. (2020). Monitoring of settling and consolidation of mud after water injection dredging in the Calandkanaal, Terra et aqua, 160

[T3] Kirichek A., Cronin K. and de Wit L. (2020). Water Injection Dredging Quick-Assessment Tools for Predicting the Plume Dispersion and Sediment Distribution After Dredging Processes, China Dredging, 3 (in Chinese)

[T2] de Lucas Pardo M. and Kirichek A. (2020). Wormen versnellen ontwatering slib, Land+Water, nr. 8/9

[T1] Kirichek A., Chassagne C., Winterwerp H. and Vellinga T. (2018). How navigable are fluid mud layers? Terra et aqua, 151

Peer-reviewed book chapters (open access)

[B4] Helmons R., Alhaddad S., Chassagne C., Elerian M., Keetels G., Kirichek A. and Thomsen L. (2024). Turbidity at the Source: Aiming for Minimized Sediment Dispersion During Deep-Sea Mining. In: Sharma, R. (eds) Deep-Sea Mining and the Water Column. Springer, Cham. 

[B3] Draganov D., Ma X., Buisman M., Kiers T., Heller K. and Kirichek A. (2021). Non-Intrusive Characterization and Monitoring of Fluid Mud: Laboratory Experiments with Seismic Techniques, Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS), and Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) in Sediment Transport - Recent Advances, edited by A.J. Manning, ISBN 978-1-83881-119-8,

[B2] Kirichek A., Cronin K., de Wit L. and van Kessel T. (2021). Advances in Maintenance of Ports and Waterways: Water Injection Dredging  in Sediment Transport - Recent Advances, edited by A.J. Manning, ISBN 978-1-83881-119-8,

[B1] Shakeel A., Kirichek A. and Chassagne C. (2021), Rheology of Mud: An Overview for Ports and Waterways Applications  in Sediment Transport - Recent Advances, edited by A.J. Manning, ISBN 978-1-83881-119-8,

Conference proceedings and extended abstracts

[C42] Ali W., Kirichek A., Helmons R. and Chassagne C. (2024).  Bridging the depth: lessons learned from deep-sea mining for better predicting turbidity plumes,  Proceedings of CEDA Dredging Days, Rotterdam.

[C41] Kirichek A., Lovato S., Ohle N., ten Brummelhuis E., Rocks S. and Hupkes E. (2024).  Sailing through fluid mud: current advances and challenges, Proceedings to the 35th PIANC World Congress, Cape Town. 

[C40] Ohle N., Schmekel U., Böttner C., Shevchuk I., Abdel-Maksoud M. and Kirichek A. (2024). Project Nautical Depth: New Approaches in safe berthing and sailing through fluid mud at Hamburg-Port, Proceedings to the 35th PIANC World Congress, Cape Town. 

[C39] Sepehri A., Kirichek A., van den Heuvel M., and van Koningsveld M. (2024).  Simulating the interference of seagoing and maintenance dredging processes, Proceedings to the 35th PIANC World Congress, Cape Town. 

[C38] Kirichek A., Pruyn J., Atasoy B., Negenborn R. R., Zuidwijk R., van Duin J.H.R., Tachi K. and van Koningsveld M. (2023).  Paving the way towards zero-emission and robust inland shipping, Proceedings of MOSES2023 conference, Delft.

[C37] Pourbeirami Hir M., Kirichek A., Pourmohammadzia N., Jiang M.  and van Koningsveld M.  (2023).  Zero-emission fueling infrastructure for IWT: optimizing the connection between upstream energy supply and downstream energy demand, Proceedings of MOSES2023 conference, Delft.

[C36] Chamanmotlagh F., Gebert J. and Kirichek A. (2023).  Effects of Re-circulation on Sediment Properties: A Case Study in the Seaport Emden, 13th International SedNet Conference, Lisbon

[C35] Kirichek A., Bampatzeliou A., Gebert J., Chassagne C., Ohle N. and Schmekel U. (2023).  Testing Conditioning Methods for Maintenance Dredging in Ports, 13th International SedNet Conference, Lisbon

[C34] Sepehri A.,  Kirichek A. and  van Koningsveld M. (2023).  Sustainable port maintenance strategies - trade-offs between dredging cost and port call efficiency, 13th International SedNet Conference, Lisbon

[C33] Gebert  J., Kirichek  A.,  de Lucas Pardo  M., Amman B. and Ohle N. (2023).  (Re-) Evaluating the Role of Microbes for Fluid Mud Rheology and Settling , 13th International SedNet Conference, Lisbon

[C32] Buisman M., Draganov  D., Chassagne C. and Kirichek A. (2023).  Monitoring tidal water-column changes in ports using distributed acoustic sensing,  Proceedings for 84rd EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition, Vienna

[C31] Buisman M., Martuganova E., Draganov D. and Kirichek A. (2022).  Monitoring shear-stress changes using seismic measurements from controlled sources and ambient noise and optical fibres, WODCON XXIII congress, Copenhagen 

[C30] Kirichek A., Shakeel A., Chassagne C. and Gebert J. (2022). Why do settling and yield stress of mud differ in European ports? WODCON XXIII congress, Copenhagen 

[C29] Gebert J., van Rees F., Shakeel A., Kirichek A. and Habdank J. (2022).  Influence of recirculation dredging on fluid mud dynamics in Emden Seaports, WODCON XXIII congress, Copenhagen 

[C28] Ali W., Enthoven D., Kirichek A., Helmons R. and Chassagne C. (2022). How can we limit the propagation of gravity current caused by deep-sea mining? WODCON XXIII congress, Copenhagen 

[C27] Buisman M., Draganov D. and  Kirichek A. (2022). Water-depth estimation using propeller noise by Distributed Acoustic Sensing, Proceedings for 83rd EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition, Madrid

[C26] Draganov D., Ma X., Heller K. and Kirichek A. (2022). Ultrasonic experiments for retrieval of layer-specific reflections inside fluid mud from ports with seismic interferometry, Proceedings for 83rd EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition, Madrid

[C25Kirichek A., Cronin K., de Wit L., Meshkati E., Pennekamp J., Wijdeveld A. and Slof K. (2022). Water Injection Dredging for Reservoir Maintenance: modelling and measuring tools, E3S Web of Conferences 346, Sharing Water: Multi-Purpose of Reservoirs and Innovations, Marseille

[C24]  Meshkati E., Terwindt J., van Kessel T.,  Kirichek A., Talmon A. and  Bezuijen A. (2022). Shear strength measurement in soft mud deposits: application of GraviProbe and RheoTune, Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Sydney, ISBN 978-0-9946261-4-1

[C23]  Lovato S., Kirichek A., Toxopeus S., Settels, J., Talmon A. and Keetels G. (2021). The resistance of a plate moving through mud: experiments and simulations, Proceedings of the Numerical Towing Tank Symposium 2021, Duisburg

[C22] Shakeel A., Kirichek A. and Chassagne C. (2021). Spatial variability in the yield stress of mud at Port of Hamburg, Germany,  Book of abstracts: INTERCOH2021, Delft

[C21] de Wit L. , Cronin K., Kirichek A. and van Kessel T. (2021). Detailed modelling and monitoring of WID as an efficient harbor siltation maintenance strategy, Book of abstracts: INTERCOH2021, Delft

[C20Shakeel A., Kirichek A. and Chassagne C.  (2021).The origin of two-step yielding in natural mud: wall slip or structural reorganization? Book of abstracts: INTERCOH2021, Delft

[C19] Zander F., Shakeel A., Kirichek A., Chassagne C. and Gebert, J. (2021). Effect of degraded sediment organic carbon on rheological characteristics of tidal mud, 12th International SedNet Conference, Lille

[C18] Buisman M., Kiers T., Kirichek A., Pefkos M. and Draganov D. (2021). Fluid mud monitoring using optical fibers combined with DAS and DTS, 12th International SedNet Conference, Lille

[C17] Shakeel A., Zander F., Kirichek A., Gebert, J. and Chassagne C.  (2021). Impact of organic matter on rheological behavior of fine-grained sediment, 12th International SedNet Conference, Lille

[C16] Fadel I., Kirichek A., Buisman M., Heller K. and Draganov D. (2021). Monitoring Settling and Consolidation of Fluid Mud in a Laboratory Using Ultrasonic Measurements . The 27th Near Surface Geoscience Conference & Exhibition.

[C15] Kirichek A., Rutgers R. and Hupkes E. (2021). Testing water injection dredging for regular port maintenance, 12th International SedNet Conference, Lille

[C14] Kirichek A. and Rutgers R. (2019). Water injection dredging and fluid mud trapping pilot in the Port of Rotterdam, Proceedings of CEDA Dredging Days, Rotterdam

[C13] Shakeel A., Kirichek A. and Chassagne C. (2019). Revising the definition of fluid mud by establishing new protocols for rheological measurements, Proceedings of the XVII ECSMGE-2019, Reykjavik

[C12] Wijdeveld A., Wensveen M., Groot  H. and Kirichek A. (2019). Reallocation of sediment within the harbor, part of a green port strategy, 11th International SedNet Conference, Dubrovnik

[C11] Shakeel A., Zander F., Gebert, J., Kirichek A. and Chassagne C. (2019).Rheological characterization of fluid mud  in ports and waterways, 11th International SedNet Conference, Dubrovnik

[C10] Zander F., Shakeel A., Kirichek A. Chassagne C. and Gebert, J. (2019). Spatial and temporal variability of the biological activity of tidal Elbe sediments in the Port of Hamburg. 11th International SedNet Conference, Dubrovnik

[C9] Kirichek A. and Chassagne C. (2019). Monitoring the strength development of mud layers in ports and waterways,  11th International SedNet Conference, Dubrovnik

[C8] Kirichek A., Meshkati Shahmirzadi E. and Sittoni L. (2019). In-situ shear strength and density measurement: bridging expertise between Canada and the Netherlands. 2019 Oil Sands Innovation Summit, Calgary  

[C7] Kirichek A., Rutgers R., Wensveen M. and van Hassent A. (2018). Sediment management in the Port of Rotterdam, Das 10. Rostocker Baggergutseminar, Rostock

[C6] Kirichek A., Rutgers R., Nipius K., Ohle N., Meijer H., Thies T. and Smits J. (2018). Current surveying strategies in ports with fluid mud layers, HYDRO18 Conference Proceedings, Sydney

[C5] Kirichek A., Chassagne C., Winterwerp H., Noordijk A., Rutgers R., Schot C., Nipius K. and Vellinga, T. (2018). How navigable are fluid mud layers? Proceedings to 34th PIANC Word congress, Panama

[C4] Kirichek A., Chassagne C., Winterwerp H., Rutgers R., Noordijk A., Nipius K. and Vellinga, T. (2017). Characterization of fluid mud layers for navigational purposes, 14th International Conference on Cohesive Sediment Transport Processes, Book of abstracts, Montevideo

[C3] Draganov D., Kirichek A., Heller K. and Ghose R. (2016). Laboratory monitoring supercritical CO2 sequestration using ghost reflections retrieved by seismic interferometry, Proceedings of the 86th Exploration Geophysicists Annual Meeting, Dallas

[C2] Kirichek A., Ghose R. and Heller K. (2013). Laboratory monitoring of CO2 migration within brine-saturated reservoir rock though complex electrical impedance, Proceedings of the 83rd Society of Exploration Geophysicists Annual Meeting, Houston

[C1] Kirichek A., Ghose R. and Heller K. (2013). Laboratory monitoring of CO2 migration and phase transition using complex electrical conductivity, Proceedings of the 75th EAGE conference & exhibition, 1-5, London